Big Green Alert, the subscription site covering Dartmouth football since 2005 has shut down.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Gearing Up

 WCAX-TV, the CBS affiliate in Burlington, Vt., has a report on the "our region's lone Division I representative on the gridiron" kicking off play this weekend. Watch the video above by clicking HERE.


Kudos to Fordham for getting its game notes out in time for the media covering the game. Find the notes above HERE.


For a quick look back at Dartmouth's 2023 season, Wikipedia offers an entry on the campaign HERE.


In case you are bringing kids to Saturday's game, this is from the Dartmouth tickets website entry on the new play area for children between the north bleachers and the field (LINK):

The Kids Zone is open to all youth (17 and under) for only $13.00 per child per game. Please note that a game ticket is required in addition to admission to the Kids Zone.

And this . . .

Lil Green Kids Club Members and Youth Season Ticket Holders are granted free admission to the Kids Zone. 


The Daily Pennsylvanian offers its power rankings, described as "a look at the conference’s prime contenders for the season ahead." Here's how the DP sees the race (LINK):

1 Yale

2 Penn

3 Harvard 

4 Dartmouth 

5 Brown 

6 Princeton

7 Cornell  

8 Columbia 

Green Alert Take: There is a lot to quibble with in those rankings. ;-)


Dartmouth football players and athletes of the past lost a friend with the passing a little earlier this month of Dr. Robert Porter, the orthopedic surgeon who helped a lot of them get back in action. From a remembrance (LINK):

Dr. Robert E. Porter, Jr. passed away peacefully on September 10, 2024 in Gainesville, Florida, where he'd resided for the past 20 years following decades of living and working in Hanover, N.H. and Norwich, Vt.

(Dr. Porter joined) the orthopedics section of the Hitchcock Clinic at Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital in Hanover, N.H. in 1972. There he became an associate professor of surgery at Dartmouth Medical School in the early 1980s. As a college athlete and avid team sports fan, he had a particular interest in sports medicine and athletic training and took it upon himself to introduce arthroscopic surgery to his orthopedic practice.



I'm not a coffee drinker so when I bought a chocolate muffin at a general store I also pulled a small container of milk out of the cooler. I was down the road a bit when I took my first swig. So far, so good. It wasn't until about the third or fourth swig that I came across a lump in the milk. It's not nearly as yucky as when milk is bad, but I'm here to tell you that lumpy milk doesn't sit right with me. I was far enough down the road that I wasn't going to turn around and get my money back, but I sure wasn't going to drink the rest of it. ;-(