Saturday, April 28, 2007

Green-White Is A Go!

It's Green-White I day here in Hanover and the weather could be worse. The temperature is in the mid-40's this morning and the anticipated rainstorm has been downgraded to a drizzle. (Side note: Last night's drizzle washed away the last of the snow up here on our little piece of Moose Mountain. Mark down April 28 as this year's "snow out.")

Check Green Alert premium tonight for a full recap of Green-White I.

Yale holds its spring game today and the New Haven Register notes the starting quarterback position that was up in the air at this time last year is not in question this time around for the co-champions. ... The Georgia Southern FCS spring game, by the way, drew 5,400. It's not the 71,000 we saw at Penn State last week or the 95,000 at Alabama, but for a school at what used to be called the I-AA level, that's pretty impressive.

It's the first day of the NFL draft and there can't be many states that have never had a player selected. That will change this weekend if Vermont native David Ball of UNH is chosen according to the Burlington Free Press. Don't count on it. A better bet is Brown's Zak DeOssie hearing his name called around the 4th or 5th round.

An columnist writing about NFL Europe, now officially (and regrettably called NFL Europa) includes a mention of Jay Fiedler in his latest offering. I've written about this in the past as well. Here's what the columnist wrote:
Jay Fiedler had two shots in Europe, and one of his coaches told me flatly "he can't play." Jay had a pretty good NFL career after he proved he could play under pressure in Europe.

Dartmouth coach Buddy Teevens is a little more than a week away from departing on his cross country bicycle ride (see link to the right) and the pieces are falling into place. Because Teevens is hoping to use the 3,600-mile ride to help raise awareness of breast cancer and a number of people have asked where they could make a contribution in honor of his effort. While he's not an official entrant in the 26th annual Prouty Century Bike Ride and Challenge Walk the Prouty, which supports "ground-breaking cancer research and important patient services at Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center," has created a page to welcome donations in his name. If you'd like to join the effort, click on this Prouty page. Enter the name Buddy Teevens and you'll be guided the rest of the way.

The other day the blog had a link to trustee candidate Sandy Alderson's home page and an excerpt from the page that details some of his thinking about athletics. Today, a link to a Dartmouth Review interview with candidate Stephen Smith and some of his thinking about athletics:
We need to recognize that athletics is an important part of the Dartmouth experience. Karl Furstenberg was exactly wrong when he said that football has no place at a school like Dartmouth; it has a vital place at a school like Dartmouth, as do other sports. We need to respect that not just with funding but also at the admissions stage. When coaches come to the admissions office asking for help in admitting academically qualified recruits.
Busy, busy day. My Little League team opens play at 10 but I'll have to leave by 10:45 to get to the Green-White in time for the 11 a.m. start. Thank goodness there are two of us coaching. The 7th grader has a game starting at the same time and I might catch the end of it. Then at 1 the 9th grader has a softball game.

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