Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Reflections On Friday's Hitting

Just about to jump in the car for the 8 1/2-hour drive from Happy Valley back to the Upper Valley and there are two kids who aren't excited about leaving. Before we go, a few more random thoughts from two subscribers ...

Friday's first full-pads/contact session marked by 1) conspicuous energy, 2) a spring day when the sun finally bathed Memorial Field and made it feel like spring.

Observations: Primarily situation work that included one 11-on-11 segment of ground game that was most notable for the play when Milan Williams popped through line, was wrapped up by Cullen Gilchrist, a play that neither seemed to want to concede until it was broken up after 3-5 seconds and neither player went to the ground.

Conspicuous to someone who's not there every day:

* Four QBs (Tom Bennewitz, Josh Cohen, Max Heiges, Alex Jenny) did variety of good things but Josh Cohen has a monster arm among them all...the guy can go for distance.

* Many able receivers but concentration on catches is why they have spring practice.

* Live punt drill: Brian Scullin got off kicks but looked shaky, mostly because there's work to be done on long snaps (many as off mark as Nuke Laloosh's fast ball). Sans pressure later: Max Heiges had good distance.

The boys were flying around pretty good." Whatever that means. I can't think of anything or anyone that stood out except that I enjoy watching Coach Smiley run special teams practice.

None of the above surprises me ...

Columbia's spring game is analyzed in the Roar Lions Roar blog.

Time to jump in the car and see if a certain Hanover High freshman can finish Robinson Crusoe on the drive. She's got a ways to go ...

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