Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Internet Clamantis In Deserto

I might have mentioned this before a number of us who are terribly frustrated by the radio-delivered service of our Internet provider had several meetings with Comcast down in town hall about getting cable to our rural area of hanover. Bottom line: Not gonna happen. Even if every house on our road and the others that are not served yet signed up for cable, phone and Internet, there's still not enough business for them to make it worth their while. At least that's what they tell us.

So we struggle along with outages like the current one, which continues for a fourth day. If I get what I need done early enough today I'll head into town and try to get you a *proper* blog. But with service out, the best I can do is send you to a link a reader shared with me. This is for a product he'd like to see Dartmouth offer. It's pretty neat, so check it out.

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