No, the Big Green, often written off as the bottom-feeders of the Ivy League, no longer serve only as a practice squad for the rest of the conference. They may not be title contenders, but their opponents can no longer look to trips to Hanover as guaranteed wins.The Daily Dartmouth has a comprehensive look at the college's fall sports team including football here.
Oh, and The D also has a story about Beta rising from the ashes. It quotes safety Tony Pastoors talking about Beta this way:
“We will not just be a football house — we wanted to get rid of that stereotype right away. The 17 of us right now are primarily made up of athletes, but there are kids on the debate team and in the (Dartmouth Outing Club) and things like that. It’s a wide, diverse look at the Dartmouth community and that’s what we’re looking for with the sophomores also.”The Boston Herald has its Ivy League preseason story up and, surprise surprise, it predicts The Game between Harvard and Yale should determine the championship. There's a sentence on each of the other teams.
Speaking of predictions, Dave Coulson over at The Sports Network has his picks for the weekend up and largely because Ivy teams are playing a number of ranked opponents there are Ancient Eight games in his column. The picks he made were:
- Harvard 38, Holy Cross 35
- The Citadel 38 Princeton 17
- Villanova 42 Penn 21
- New Hampshire 42 Albany 38
Like it's neighbor Princeton, Penn is going with the Gameday Central format on its web page. Find it here.
You've got to respect Colgate coach Dick Biddle. I've said it before, but the man tells it like it is. In a Q&A with the Utica Observe-Dispatch he is asked, "Going forward, what goals do you have for the rest of your career?"
His answer: "To someday be a head coach at a scholarship school."
As much as I hate that oh-so-trendy "going forward" expression, I love the honesty of the answer.
By the way, here's the Utica paper's story about Colgate's loss to Furman last week.
The Capital Times out in Wisconsin has a short column about Casey Cramer hooking up with the Miami Dolphins.
And finally, the Daily Princetonian has a story about a woman playing football for the Tigers. Not the team that will travel to The Citadel this weekend, but the school's sprint (nee lightweight) football team.
I hit a wrong key working on the paid website yesterday and had to rebuild all the links to the 2008 archive. Argh.
If you haven't subscribed yet, I've posted the index of that archive below to show you what you've missed about this year's team already: 30 full-length stories since the start of practice (including in-person reports on every practice), a total of 44 stories since the Ivy League media day on Aug. 12, and 63 newspaper-length stories on the 2008 Dartmouth football team. There will be at least nine stories a week – including at least one every day – between now and the end of the season. For more information on subscribing, visit Green Alert Premium.

2008 Green Alert Archives
Sept. 17 p.m.--Over Before You Knew It
Sept. 17 a.m--Eight On Offense
Sept. 16 --A Look At Special Teams With Sammy McCorkle
Sept. 15 --Jump Day
Sept. 14 --Points To Ponder
Sept. 13 --Harvard Preseason Follow
Sept. 13 --Jayvees Fall To Middlebury In Opener
Sept. 12 --Dartmouth-Harvard Preseason Game Story
Sept. 12 --Dartmouth-Harvard Preseason Drive Chart
Sept. 12 --Random Preseason Game Observations
Sept. 11 --Prelude To A Big Scrimmage
Sept. 10 p.m. --A Look At The Defense With Chris Wilkerson
Sept. 10 a.m. --A Look At The Offense With Mike Hodgson
Sept. 9 --The Pieces Come Together
Sept. 8 p.m.--Freshmen Back After 'Dogging It"
Sept. 8 a.m.--Fresh Legs, Fresh Opinion
Sept. 6--Saturday Scrimmage
Sept. 5--Quiet Before The Storm
Sept. 4 p.m--A Dog Day Afternoon
Sept. 4 a.m--No One Is Going To Catch Those Guys
Sept. 3--The Hitting Resumes
Sept. 2 p.m.--Ground Game Gets It In Gear
Sept. 2 a.m.--Offense Comes To Life
Sept. 1--Let The Hitting Begin
Aug. 31--Taking A Close Look At The Freshman Class And Practice Report
Aug. 30--Finish The Sentence Part 2 And Practice Report
Aug. 29--Media Day: Finish The Sentence Part 1 And Practice Report
Aug. 28--Practice Report: Defense Rules The Day
Aug. 27--Practice Report: Increased Depth 'Almost' Everywhere
Aug. 26--UNH Preview
Aug. 25--Holy Cross Preview
Aug. 22--Colgate Preview
Aug. 21--Added Points Total Projection
Aug. 21--Yale Preview
Aug. 20--Princeton Preview
Aug. 19--Penn Preview
Aug. 18--Harvard Preview
Aug. 15--Cornell Preview
Aug. 14--Columbia Preview
Aug. 14--11th Game Or Playoffs?
Aug. 13--Brown Preview
Aug. 13--Toughest Position To Fill
Aug. 12--The Great Financial Aid Divide
Aug. 12--Poll Positions
July 30--Buddy Teevens First Person
May 7--A Look At Regular Decision Recruits
May 3--Freshman Quarterbacks, Offense Impress
May 2--Time To Play Name Those X-Factors
May 1--Summing Up The Spring
April 30--Freshman Kicker And Receiver Opening Eyes
April 29--From The War Room
April 28--First Scrimmage Play-By-Play
April 26--Offense Sharp In First Scrimmage
April 25--Anything But A Yawner
April 23--Observations Midway Through The Spring
April 21--Teevens Sees The Bright Side Of O-Line Issue
April 15--Ian Wilson's Return A Boost For The Defense
April 14--Spring Has Sprung In Hanover
April 11--Spring 2008 Q&A With Buddy Teevens
Jan. 23--Compiled Jayvee Stats
Dec. 21--Early Decision Recruits
Dec. 10--More Athleticism, More Questions In 2008
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