Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taking Shots

I was cruising my usual Internet haunts this morning and came across a message board discussion regarding the Fordham football program's future in the Patriot League. The original poster suggests that there is a conspiracy "to have Fordham as the Columbia of the PL (perennial bottom feeders)."

I kept reading, in part because there was occasionally interesting speculation about reorganizing leagues in the Northeast and New England. And then, there it was. A response mentioning the Big Green:
Columbia? Does that make Georgetown the Dartmouth of the league?
If so, Dartmouth's due for a big comeback.
If nothing else, when the "big comeback" starts it will put an end to the pot shots the Big Green has taking the past few years.

Speaking of message boards, I was over at a Colgate board (I get around ;-) and came across a discussion of Raiders coach Dick Biddle. While the "thread" eventually spun out of control (threads usually do if they go on long enough) the early postings do a good job of describing a coach I've come to respect greatly over the years.

And speaking of coaches, former Brown (and UMass) coach Mark Whipple has been under consideration as offensive coordinator at the University of Miami. The only thing missing from this look at Whipple is the wonderful nickname that he could bring to the Canes' attack: The Whiplash.

Said to be choosing between Penn and Dartmouth is 6-foot-4, 259-pound offensive lineman Zach Vrtis of Kennesaw Mountain, Ga., according to the Marietta Daily Journal. Vritis has been nominated as an Old Spice Red Zone Player of the Year. He was an All-Cobb County Offensive Lineman and All-Cobb County Scholar Athlete.

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