Monday, March 08, 2010

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Because I frequently mention it, people often ask me about about Moose Mountain, home of the Big Green Alert world headquarters. The view from across the road from our shoulder of the mountain was so beautiful today I thought I'd share a peek.

Unfortunately, a tiny video doesn't do the view justice. On a clear day, we can pick out the ski trails at Killington, Pico, Ascutney Mountain and Okemo, and on a really, really clear day, Stratton Mountain. We can see one of the towers at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center down below, but the town of Hanover is hidden behind a ridge. After the video I've posted a picture that gives a better idea of what we can see.

We are a little under eight miles from campus. The South Peak of Moose Mountain is behind us, about a 45-minute hike up. Much higher on the mountain than our house is Moose Mountain Lodge, a truly rustic getaway. (Moose Mountain Lodge slide show) If you ever want to hike Moose Mountain on a visit in the spring, summer or early fall, here's information on the hike.

Moose Mountain was the site of a plane crash that killed 32 people in 1968 and if you make it to the top there are still remnants of the crash visible if you know where to look.

If you park at the trailhead you'll be no more than a half mile from my driveway ;-)

Above: One of the ski areas visible from our shoulder of Moose Mountain. (Click to enlarge)

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