Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Here's hoping the forecast where you are today is better than the forecast here in Happy Valley where they are calling for 2.23 inches of rain. Folks, that's a gully washer and I'm a little concerned about our tent ;-). We won't leave anything in it when we head over the Beaver Stadium shortly for the Blue-White Game – if they even hold it. ...

Speaking of which, we had our campus tour yesterday and the consensus among the three of us was that it was one of the best college tours we've had anywhere, anytime, including when we were looking two years ago with That Hanover High Grad. We had a really terrific pair of guides who hit all the high points. I don't know how many schools this size could have a tour like that and not have to load visitors up on buses.

Right at the start of the tour the guides explained to us that there's this cheer in Happy Valley where one group shouts "We Are," and another group responds, "Penn State." (Gotta admit, we knew that one coming in ;-). Anyway, perhaps a dozen times in the 90-minute tour someone random walking by, leaning out of a building or on a bike would shout at us, "We Are." In once voice we would respond. Sometimes you didn't even see who it was who instigated the cheer. Thankfully it never happened in the library.

Here's the interesting part. Our guide, who came from the Philadelphia area, was accepted at all of the schools to which he applied, including Penn. In talking with him after the tour he couldn't stress how happy he is with the choice he made. Very interesting.
Caught a really good Penn State-Purdue baseball game last night. Unfortunately, the good guys lost.
This was also interesting. I remember reading about it before but perhaps you haven't heard the story. Penn State President Graham Spanier rooms with freshmen for a few days at the start of each school year. Neat idea. The tour guide told us that one year Spanier went to hang his towel up near the shower in his dorm and discovered there were no hooks. Needless to say, within days there were towel hooks in every bathroom.
In Dartmouth sports news, the 2-2 Big Green rugby team hosts Navy (4-0) today in a critical College Premier League contest at 1 p.m. at the Corey Ford Rugby Clubhouse opposite the golf course. Dartmouth pretty much needs a win to keep its playoff hopes and a shot at the national title alive.

Former gridders John O’Sullivan and Kevin Gallagher are expected to see action in the game, which will be streamed on the Dartmouth Sports Network.
As for Thursday's practice, one of my spies in the sky saw a little of the session including mostly running plays in the hurry up mode. Word is that Tim McManus continues to look sharp handling and running. Throws were mostly quick outs.
Dartmouth linebacker Aaron Limonthas lays out his platform for president of the student body here.

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