Friday, May 18, 2012


From a Dartmouth Now news release:
To celebrate the alumni gaming community, Dartmouth’s Digital Humanities program is hosting the first annual “Dartmouth at Play: Alumni on the Future of Gaming” on Friday, May 18, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., in Moore Hall’s Filene Auditorium.
One of the panelists is Oge Young '96, billed as "an independent developer who most recently worked as a game development executive with Sony Online Entertainment." Young's industry credits include working on NASCAR SimRacing, NASCAR Thunder and BlackSite: Area 51 in addition to Madden Football and NCAA Football.

Young also happens to be a former offensive tackle for the Big Green. His brother Adam Young '99, was a Dartmouth captain who earned a Super Bowl ring as a soft-handed tight end on the New York Giants practice team – and was sometimes mistaken for star quarterback Kerry Collins.

Back when Oge was working on Madden Football he was peripherally involved in creating his brother's NFL profile. For a story I was working on I asked him whether he could shave a little time off Adam's 40 time. He laughed (at least in part, probably, at my ignorance of the game) and said he could. But he quipped that no one would who ever saw his brother run would believe it.
From a New Haven Register story about the Yale recruiting class comes news that transfer Canadian tailback Tyler Varga will be eligible for the Bulldogs this fall as a freshman, and will not have to sit out a year. Yale coach Tony Reno told the paper, "He's a mature player. He'll compete right away."

Green Alert Take: If I'm an NCAA coach I'm keeping my eyes open for talented freshmen at Canadian schools because they can spend a year betting bigger and stronger and then start over at American universities.
Those of you who think video can replace the printed word when it comes to press releases will want to check out the Colonial Athletic Association commissioner's video statement on Old Dominion University leaving the CAA in favor of Conference USA and FBS football.

Me? I wanted to scan a transcript of his remarks so I could get the gist of what he had to say, couldn't find one and moved on because I wasn't interested enough to sit and watch a video. I did, however, find a story in the Virginian-Pilot noting ODU's move becomes effective in July 2013.