This has been out for a few days, but it's fun and even a little informative. Here's a hint on how it was done: Watch closely and you can see the police escort behind Brees' car in most of the scenes.
I was in town for a lunch meeting yesterday when I heard a hint of piano music wafting down the street. I knew immediately what it was but an out-of-towner might have been surprised by the sound – and surprised by the wildly painted upright pianos plunked down outside of the Hanover Coop, Alumni Gymnasium, Hanover High School, the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen and elsewhere. It's all part of Hands on Pianos, a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Dartmouth's Hopkins Center. From a news release:Thanks to the Hands on Pianos community project, colorfully decorated pianos will be turning up all over the Upper Valley for the month of July, available for people of all ages and skill levels to explore, enjoy and engage in impromptu music-making.Check out the video to learn more: