Saturday, June 28, 2014

More On Moglia

From the 1983 Dartmouth media guide. (Click to enlarge.)
Joe Moglia's last coaching job before becoming a Wall Street titan and all these years later the successful head coach at Coastal Carolina was on the staff at Dartmouth in 1983.

For a terrific story about Moglia from earlier this month, CLICK HERE.

From the story:
Above his desk at Coastal are two framed pictures. One is of legendary coach Vince Lombardi; the other of Warren Buffett. The latter is personalized and signed, a souvenir from one of Moglia's many visits with the billionaire investor. Some stories touting Moglia's success have suggested he, too, is a billionaire, but he says those rumors make him uncomfortable. Still, conservative estimates put his net worth well beyond what even the most successful college football coaches could hope to earn in a lifetime.
Speaking of former Ivy League coaches, Larry McElreavy, an Upper Valley native who went on to become head coach at Columbia, has been hired as head coach at New Hampshire's Newport High School, about a 45-minute drive from Hanover and adjacent to his hometown of Claremont. (LINK)