Friday, September 12, 2014

BGA Subscription Info

I really don't enjoy weeding out subscribers who haven't yet renewed and/or will not be returning this year. It's like (and in some cases is) saying goodbye to friends.

If you are intending to return but haven't renewed your subscription yet, don't wait. Lots of good stuff to come. You can do so HERE.

If you have renewed and your sign-on has stopped working, that's on me. Drop me an email and slap my wrist for sloppy bookkeeping. It happens.

And if you are moving on because of graduation, I hope you enjoyed BGA the past four years. But do keep in mind that a subscription would make a terrific late graduation, birthday or early Christmas present!

Finally, if you haven't renewed your subscription and are still reading BGA Premium it's because of one of two things. Either it's a way to thank you for being such a good friend, or it's more sloppy bookkeeping. In the case of the latter it would be greatly appreciated if you would officially renew your subscription. Mrs. BGA and I still have two more years of ridiculous college payments for the second one, and every subscription helps ;-)

I'll close with a line purloined from Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac that I really like:
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

PS: If you aren't a subscriber but enjoy the blog every day (and there are a ton of you who fit the description) I think the donate button over there on the right still works, but it's been so long since anyone has used it that I'm not sure. Just sayin' . . .