Dartmouth football has produced this graphic welcoming new offensive coordinator Kevin Daft, who comes East from Cal Davis.
Dartmouth head coach Buddy Teevens and Mobile Virtual Player CEO John Currier are in Houston today to take part in the 1st and Future competition for the advancement of safe practices in football, presented by The Texas Medical Center and the NFL. From a release about the program (LINK):
And . . .1st and Future is a unique pitch competition that will take place at the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMCx) in Houston on February 4, 2017. Up to nine startups will be invited to present their game-changing technologies to an exclusive audience including a panel of judges, NFL team owners and executives, and other invitees of the NFL, the Houston Super Bowl Host Committee and the TMC.
. . . (T)he winning team from each theme will receive a $50,000 check from the NFL, two tickets to Super Bowl LI and acceptance into the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMCx).The MVP is expected to have its "star turn" at You can watch the competition live at 11:30 a.m. Eastern (10:30 a.m. Houston), by clicking anywhere on the screenshot below: