Wednesday, September 12, 2018

It's Official

Dartmouth has promoted Callie Brownson from two-week intern to offensive quality control assistant, making her the first woman to be an on-field coach in Division I football history. (LINK)

In addition to BGA Premium last night, there are stories on SI, Yahoo Sports, ESPN and the Chicago Tribune and STATS among others.
Dartmouth opens the season Saturday against a Georgetown team celebrating (?) 25 years in the FCS/IAA. From the Hoyas' The Third Rail blog:
This season marks the 25th anniversary of Georgetown moving to Division I-AA, a move that was not popular in some quarters of the campus, and by recent results has not been saluted as such. In 24 years, Georgetown is 107-160 in the subdivision some call the Football Championship Subdivision.
One look at those 107 wins tells the story of the last quarter century as well as any. In the first eight years of I-AA, Georgetown won 53 games, or 6.6 per season. In the last 17 years, Georgetown has won 54, or 3.1 per season.
Read a comprehensive history of a program that seems never to have been quite sure where it wants to go on The Third Rail HERE.