Saturday, August 03, 2019

More Geography

Following up on Thursday's post about where Ivy League freshman football players call home I thought it would be interesting to see how far-ranging recruiting is for Dartmouth's non-conference opponents. It turns out it is very far-ranging, at least for one player at each school ;-)

Marist has a player from the Congo. Jacksonville has one player from the United Arab Emirates and Colgate has one player from Switzerland who was born in The Netherlands.

Not surprisingly given its national reputation, Colgate has the most states represented on its roster with 20. Marist has players from 14 states and the District of Columbia. Jacksonville, with arguably (or not arguably) the most regional talent has players from 11 states.

Colgate's top recruiting areas are Pennsylvania (15 players), New Jersey (13), Illinois (9), New York (8) and Florida (7).

Marist has a whopping 28 players from New Jersey followed by New York (19), Florida (14), Connecticut (9), Maryland (8) and Pennsylvania (7).

Jacksonville has 35 in-state players on its 58-player roster (true freshman are not listed), 11 from Georgia and no more than two from any other state.