Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Signs of the Times (Photos)

The sign on Memorial Field says it all.
Hasn't it always been?
No, those are not the new coaches' offices.
This is looking from dead centerfield to the right field line at Red Rolfe Field. To the right is a temporary fence. The baseball field is supposed to be back to normal -- or as close as it can be to normal -- by the time the Big Green is supposed to play its scheduled home opener against Columbia on April 8. ... On a personal note, I'm disappointed that my seats for watching Dartmouth baseball have been eliminated. For the past dozen years or so I enjoyed watching the games from the landing just below the portal to the visiting stands. It was cold, because the sun never made it in there and the steel and aluminum kept the cold locked in, but the view couldn't be beat. Ah progress.

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