Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Election Day

Former Dartmouth offensive tackle Matt Kaskey serves as emcee for a virtual Halloween costume party for Levine Children's Hospital featuring the rookies among his Carolina Panthers teammates. Keep clicking through and be sure to click the speaker icon to get sound. As usual, Matt's pretty funny.


In a rarity, the latest Senior Spotlight featuring a football player actually has defensive end Nate Boone identifying a teammate who does an impression of head coach Buddy Teevens. Here are Boone's superlatives:

Fastest runner on the team: Niko Mermigas

Best hands: Drew Estrada

Hardest hitter: Seth Walter

Spends most time reviewing film: Naeem Morgan

Strongest teammate: Seth Simmer

Strongest teammate pound for pound: Mac Battle

Most intense: D.J. Avery

Best instincts on the field: Darren Stanley

Most likely to become a Division I head coach: Jalen Mackie

Best dancer: Isaiah Johnson

Best singer: DeWayne Terry Jr.

Funniest teammate: Jake Guidone

Best dresser: Dakari Falconer

Best impression of Coach Teevens: Jackson Yost

The local Valley News has a troubling story under the headline Dartmouth investigating students over big parties that references members of the football team. The story begins this way (LINK):

Dartmouth College officials are investigating whether dozens of students violated COVID-19 safety protocols Saturday night after police were called to two off-campus Halloween parties.

More than 20 undergraduates attended a gathering on South Main Street in Lebanon. After responding to a noise complaint just after midnight, Lebanon police cited 19 of those in attendance with underage drinking, and charged another two with hosting the underage party, according to a news release from Lebanon police.

Though the season was canceled due to COVID-19, at least eight of those in attendance at the party, including the two hosts, are listed on the Big Green football team’s 2020 roster.


Mrs. BGA and I are on the same page on most things. This isn't one of them.

I would like nothing more than to disappear for a week or two – or three? – and then learn the result of the election in one fell swoop. For me, talking heads breathlessly reporting on voting from this precinct or that every five minutes is death by a thousand cuts.

Mrs. BGA, meanwhile, can't get enough of it. This morning – even before the sun was up – she let me know the result of the voting at midnight in Dixville Notch, N.H.

Now, I have to cut her a break. For years while she was growing up her family would spend time at The Balsams, the centerpiece of Dixville Notch, population 12. She has many wonderful memories from The Balsams, a "grand resort hotel" that new ownership is hoping to resurrect from the hard times that, sadly, shut it down.

When our kids were young Mrs. BGA's parents had us up to The Balsams and we had a chance to poke around the "voting room." I remember we were at the glorious old hotel when the bracket was being announced for March Madness and with no TVs in the rooms and no Wifi, we were blissfully unaware of what was happening in the world of NCAA basketball.

Come to think of it, it really is too bad The Balsams is closed. I might want to hole up there for the next month  – or perhaps the next four years – blissfully unaware of what is happening in the world.

The Balsams