Friday, November 06, 2020

U Gotta Like It

 Here's the news of the day (LINK):

And here's why first Western Kentucky and now Utah have offered him:

Green Alert Take: Unless the all-purpose Dartmouth standout commits, more offers will be coming.
Saturday's Woods Watch Party will be a good one. It will pit Dartmouth against Brown from a seriously frigid Fenway Park in 2017. (LINK) Catch it streaming tomorrow at 1:30 by clicking HERE.

For a taste of what's to come:
The Dartmouth has a story about the Halloween parties that could lead to dozens of students being sent home for violation of COVID-19 rules. Find the story HERE.
ESPN has announced 300 layoffs with Ivan Maisel the best known so far to reveal his fate. Find a story including an angry Tweet from Bob Ley HERE.
The weather topped out at 58.6 degrees here on our Vermont hillside yesterday and I did indeed drive the '84 VW over to our nearby lake to write and avoid the temptation of turning on the TV and watching more of the endless you-know-what updates.

With the sun beaming down on the bus I was down to a T-shirt by noon and tempted to push up the top to let in some cool air.

Hall's Lake, which is a little over three miles from the BGA World Headquarters, is home to what is believed to be the longest-running all-girls summer camp in the country. Camp Farwell was founded in 1889. Except for a brief stop by a couple of octogenarians, I had the lakefront to myself all day ;-)

The plan for today is to park the V-dub at a trailhead five minutes up the road and spend the day there. There will be no breathless reports of "breaking news," and the only interruption will come when I head out the door to take the trail up to the overlook at the peak.

And in case you are wondering, the puddles and mud are the result of melted snow from earlier in the week!