Friday, May 28, 2021

That's A Wrap


Tobi Adedara receives the Most Improved Defensive Lineman award from Duane Brooks.

For those of you who haven't been visiting BGA Premium this spring, here is the full list of spring "Most Improved" awards presented after last night's final practice:

Quarterback - Nick Howard
Running Back - Keegan McHugh
Tight End - JJ Jones
Wide Receiver - Masaki Aerts
Offensive Line - Cal Atkeson
Defensive Line - Tobi Adedara
Linebacker - Jalen Mackie
Safety - Landon McDermott
Corner - Tyron Herrin
Nickels - Seth Verilus
Specialist - Josh Greene
Strength & Conditioning - Leonard St. Gourdin


The Dartmouth has a story under the headline Football resumes full-contact practices, looks ahead to fall season that includes this (LINK):

For starting quarterback Derek Kyler ’21, who will be playing during his fifth year at Dartmouth as a result of the Ivy League’s decision to expand eligibility, the opportunity to return to the Big Green was an easy decision to make. Kyler said he would not allow his last season with the team to be one marred by pandemic restrictions. 

“I love Dartmouth, I love Coach T and the coaching staff, the QB coach, it was really a no-brainer to me,” Kyler said. “I wasn't gonna go out like that and just have that be my last football game and I didn't even know it at the time … I was ready to come back and work with the guys … and hopefully get another ring.”


In case you were wondering, the Big Green reports for preseason camp on Thursday, Aug. 19. That's 84 days from now, or 12 weeks if you prefer. ;-)

BGA Premium wrapped up spring coverage last night but, as Steve Jobs would say, there's "one more thing." The plan is to post a look at the incoming freshman class, with comments on each player from coach Buddy Teevens, as early as next week. Keep an eye on BGA Daily for a link to that post after it goes live.


Next on tap for Memorial Field (after the June 13 Dartmouth graduation):

Buddy Teevens reports that upwards of 400 campers have already signed up.
A few updates on previous PATs . . .

A year later the robot vacuum continues to motor right along, doing its thing largely without complaining. I say largely because if I don't pull out the brush and pivot wheel to remove tangled golden retriever fur once a week or so it does complain, stopping and beeping for attention. I continue to highly recommend one of these vacuums, particularly a "low rider" like the one we have, which even motors away under the couch.

The '84 VW poptop camper is purring like a kitten thanks to our "Bus Whisperer." The new radio with Bluetooth and USB is pretty sweet although I'm disappointed it won't play nice with my iPod Touch. Turns out the iPod operating system, which topped out a couple of years ago, is too old to hook up with the new radio. We haven't been camping in the V-dub yet this season but have our eyes on a trip to Acadia National Park. We've even flirted with the idea of a drive to Prince Edward Island if the Canadian border crossing opens this summer. That trip probably won't happen but it's fun to dream about.

We've been in touch with the folks who own the off-the-grid tiny house we lived in the summer after selling our house on Hanover's Moose Mountain and we've pretty much settled on spending an unplugged week at the place in July.

That Certain Dartmouth '14 has made reservations to fly home for a couple of weeks over the end of July and early August. Hooray! She'll be here for the "Christmas in August" we'll be having with Mrs. BGA's side of the family. It's been more than 18 months since we've seen any of 'em after gathering together every Christmas ever since we were married.

The tick problem I wrote about a few weeks back has only gotten worse. I went up one of our local trails earlier this week and picked a half dozen of the annoying things off my legs along the way. I'll not be using that trail again.

As for the black fly season, which usually runs from Mother's Day to Father's Day, the news is better. Instead of the usual swarms, I've probably seen more ticks than black flies. I'm not sure what that's about but I'm not complaining . . . about the black fly side, at least.

I don't think the "Cascading Petunias" I transplanted from the Aerogarden to hanging baskets are going to make it. The flowers themselves are doing fine but they don't know they are down at the end of stems that are drying up badly as we speak. I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.

After averaging perhaps eight miles a day driving for much of the past year (two over and two back from my favorite trail, roughly the same distance to our one-room post office to get the mail) I've discovered how expensive gas has become. While Mrs. BGA rides a free shuttle bus to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center each day the schedule wouldn't work for football practice so I needed to make the 29-mile drive myself. That's 58 miles a day times 12 days of practice, or roughly 700 miles of driving. Without question that's more than I drove in the previous six months combined. It's an incredibly scenic drive on a largely empty interstate but those fill-ups have been annoying. Stay tuned for some more news about that. In the meantime, a huge thank you to those of you who have taken the sting out of those visits to the pump.

And finally, the flip flops are out. I pull on a pair of lightweight hiking shoes before I hit the trail each day but apart from that all you'll find on my feet until fall are my "Go Aheads." Even today, despite it being 39 degrees when I walked The Wonder Dog, my toes were free. Now that I think about it, there is a wedding coming up and I'm guessing Mrs. BGA would frown on me wearing flip flops . . .  but you get the idea ;-)