Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Look At The Defense

Following up on yesterday's offensive chart, today we take a look at Dartmouth's defensive personnel (with positions per the official Dartmouth roster). The same caveat about potential changes in roster size offered yesterday apply. To that end, this year’s chart should be seen as reflecting who is eligible to play on the Dartmouth team this fall and not necessarily who will be on the team. (Once again, click the chart to enlarge it.)

The Dartmouth football office has another quick "Meet the Freshmen" video with today's entry being James Coslet, a 6-foot-3, 250-pound offensive lineman from Watchung Hills, N.J. He is the son of JJ Coslet '97, a three-year letterwinner and member of the undefeated 1996 Big Green Ivy League champions. Find the James Coslet intro video HERE.
Former Big Green standout Drew Estrada gets a mention as a receiver and return specialist in an Athlon look at the 2021 Baylor team ranked 58th in the preseason by the publication. Estrada is a grad transfer for the Bears. (LINK)
For a layman's look at the big news yesterday that could lead to major changes in the landscape of college athletics, check out an Associated press story headlined EXPLAINER: The Supreme Court ruling against the NCAA. (LINK)
Abbey D'Agostino '16 and Helen Schlactenhaufen '17 both came up just shy last night of qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics.

D'Agostino, who ran a courageous 15:07.08 in winning her 5,000 meter qualifying heat Friday night, was outkicked down the stretch and finished fourth in 94-degree heat. She crossed the line in 15:31.06. Third-place finisher Rachel Schneider earned the final berth on the U.S. team by finishing in 15:29:56. (Schneider ran her high school track at St. Thomas in Dover, N.H.)

Find a story about Cooper's Olympic bid coming up just short HERE.

Helen Schlactenhaufen finished fifth in the 1,500 in 4:04.41 with the top three making the Olympic team.

Dartmouth's final chance to be represented on the U.S. track team comes Sunday night when Ben True '08 runs in the 5,000 finals at 10:30. He narrowly missed making the Olympic team in the 10,000 last Friday night, finishing one spot out in fourth place. Five years ago he missed making the American Olympic team by half a second in the 5,000.
Pulling up 2021 Ivy League football rosters the other day I was surprised to discover that one of our former neighbors on the shoulder of Moose Mountain will be a sophomore tight end at Brown in the fall. He has older brothers currently at Princeton and Penn, with the first recruited for football and the second for lacrosse.

The three Ivy League brothers are reminders of why we moved to Hanover before our kids started school. Our old dirt road runs about three-or-so miles with only 12-15 houses on it and yet I can think of two kids who grew up there who went to Brown, two who went to Dartmouth (you know one of them ;-), one currently at Penn, another at Princeton and one who graduated from Yale. Oh yeah, and I can think of another who had eyes only for that other Penn. You know. The one with State on the end of it and that 107,000-seat football stadium ;-)