Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Transfer Portal Back Story With A Local Twist

A story about Dartmouth senior Macklin Ayers in the News-Item out of Shamokin, Pa., gives a little bit of a look behind the curtain at life in the transfer portal. From the story:

“It’s been busy,” Ayers said. “I’ve always got my phone on me, waiting for texts or calls from coaches.”

With four years of college football under his belt and only one year remaining, the 6-foot-3, 235-pounder knows this decision is different than his original choice to head to the Ivy League out of high school.

“I want to make an impact and I want honesty from coaches,” Ayers said. “I don’t expect to be guaranteed a starting spot after they’ve only seen my film.”

That means the conversations he’s had with coaches have also taken on a different tone.

“It’s been more business talk,” Ayers said. “A lot of schools talk about NIL money. College football has changed even since I started playing at Dartmouth four years ago. Going to school for free and playing football is enough for me, but NIL money would be a nice bonus.”

Find the full story HERE


A McNeese State graphics assistant pulled together this Xweet about former Dartmouth linebacker Marques White's commitment:


Still on the subject of transfers, this FootballScoop headline nicely summarizes where we are:

Multi-time transfers can play immediately in fall 2024, NCAA memo says; After losing in court earlier this month, the NCAA has realized it can't stop players from transferring, but it can make schools more hesitant to take on transfers.

Find the story HERE.


I have a Kindle, a digital camera, wireless headphones, a few external batteries and headlamps and other electronics that charge via USB and it's always a royal pain figuring out which way the plug goes in. Hooray for USB-C, which in addition to doing a few extra things, can be plugged in either way. It will be a while before USB-C is ubiquitous so in the meantime I think I'm going to grab a silver Sharpie,  color one side of the USB plug and then put a silver dot on the corresponding side of the receiving device. Problem solved.