Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Wrap

The local Valley News has a retrospective on former Dartmouth Athletic Director Josie Harper, who passed away at age 81. The story notes that (LINK):

Among her accomplishments were overseeing the construction of the Floren Variety House and convincing Buddy Teevens to return for a second stint as the Big Green’s football coach. Those moves eventually led to multiple Ivy League championship seasons.

Dartmouth committed more than $58 million to nine sports facilities projects during Harper’s tenure.


Also in the news, Sportico has a piece headlined, NCAA Urges NLRB To Side With Dartmouth Against Basketball Players that starts this way. (LINK):

Arguing that NLRB regional director Laura Sacks’ decision to recognize Dartmouth College men’s basketball players as employees within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act “will affect and have a far-reaching impact” on all “current and future” college athletes and “the NCAA membership as a whole,” the NCAA Thursday asked the NLRB for permission to file an amicus brief in support of Dartmouth.

Green Alert Take: I know this is important stuff so please wake me when it is over.


Pulitzer Prize winner David Shribman '76 has a piece headlined, Summer’s losses mark the end of an era built around the passing of Bill Walton, Jerry West and Willie Mays in less than a month. From the column (LINK):

They were all period pieces: Mays a representative of the emergence of the Black athlete into mainstream white professional sports; West a symbol of the rise of pro basketball to its current position as a global spectacle; Walton a member of the generation of sports stars who also were social and political activists. 

 Here's the local connection:

When Dartmouth College awarded honorary degrees at its 2007 commencement, it presented one to the secretary of the Treasury, the music director of the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, a poet who won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, the president of the University of Pennsylvania, the founding director of the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, the MacArthur Foundation recipient who was a pioneer in designing new models of health care for Black men in urban areas, and the center fielder for the San Francisco Giants. 

Only one of those honorees in black robes was besieged for autographs. One of those seeking a signed baseball was James Wright, president of the college.

Green Alert Take: Among those who has a signed baseball from Willie Mays that day is That Certain Dartmouth '14 (although it's packed away in a box somewhere in our basement ;-).


This was posted the other day and it's marked up for your perusal:


Those of you following along will be relieved to know that the '84 VW poptop camper is finally back home and driving like a champion. When it is behaving you would absolutely never know it's a 40-year-old vehicle. But as I said . . . when it is behaving.