Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16--First Spring Practice Report

HANOVER -- On the first day of Dartmouth's spring football practice it was cold, wet and windy on Memorial Field -- but it sure beat the alternative.

A year ago, before FieldTurf was installed on Memorial Field, the Big Green would have had no choice but to practice on the hard and cramped Leverone Fieldhouse AstroTurf -- if the schedule-makers could even shoehorn the team in, which would have been no sure thing. That being the case, coach Buddy Teevens wasn't about to complain about the less-than-ideal weather on Memorial Field.

"Without this field we wouldn't be able to practice," Teevens said. "Really, it's been a godsend for more than just us. Every field sport has used this thing this spring. So it has saved everybody."

Everybody except the baseball team, which hasn't yet played a home game, but that's a story for another day. The story Monday was the first of the 12 days of spring practice permitted by the Ivy League, a day that ended with a chilled Teevens being warmed by what he saw.

"I thought there was a lot of energy, a lot of enthusiasm and pretty good recall," he said. "I was impressed. Guys were flying around. They thought we were scrimmaging, I believe. They kept bumping into each other and wrapping each other up."

Teevens got similar reports from his assistants. "I felt greater enthusiasm in what the guys saw," he said. "It was just a very encouraging first day out, to see guys flying around."

To read the full report, visit Big Green Alert premium.

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