Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday Morning Quarterback

Josh Cohen spirals a pass toward Corey Goff on the first day of spring practice.

From the end of Monday night's Big Green Alert premium practice report:

Click on the results page for the Spirit of St. Louis Marathon & Family Fitness Weekend and you'll see a familiar name: Teevens. And you'll see it twice.

That's because Dartmouth coach Buddy Teevens and daughter Lindsay, a junior at the University of Florida, both ran in the event.

"Being in the the coaching profession I haven't spent a lot of time with my family over the years," Teevens said. "My daughter got into running a little bit and seven or eight months ago she said she wanted to run a marathon.

"I said, 'Great but you know my time-frame. I'm not available a lot so try to find one that works.' She came back with St. Louis. It was the day before spring practice started. ... So we registered and flew out on Friday. We spent Saturday getting the lay of the land, ran on Sunday and I flew back last night."

Buddy Teevens, who has run the Boston Marathon, ran side-by-side with his daughter, with both crossing the line in 4:02.58.

"It was her day," he said. "It was fun just to go out and do it with her. I was very proud of her. She did a great job. At 17 or 18 miles she got a little sideways and she just kind of muscled through.

"I'd been doing a whole bunch of running so to just go out and run for four hours was great, but this was about her."

Maybe that bike ride won't be so tough after all ;-) ...

Speaking of Teevens' May bicycle ride from San Diego to New Hampshire, I hope to have a more detailed look at his route within several days. If you happen to be along that route and want to ride along or offer help, send an email to buddybikes@gmail.com and it will be forwarded to him. And remember, daily (or as close to daily as Teevens can make them) updates will appear right here on the Green Alert blog once the ride begins.

Anyone who thinks the Ivy League's position on the playoffs doesn't have an impact on recruiting ought to check out this "exit interview" with former USC tight end Nick Vanderboom. From the WeAreSC feature:
You had the opportunity to go to Ivy League schools like Harvard and Yale. What made you choose USC over those schools?

"Football was definitely part of it. It’s still competitive at those schools, but there are no playoffs. It’s you and the Ivy League, and that’s it. I thought I could compete at this level. Also, USC has a good undergraduate business school, which is what I wanted to do."
Thanks to a subscriber for sharing this: If you don't think football is taken seriously in parts of this country, check out this appeal in an Oklahoma case about the right of Christian schools to play football against public schools. Here's how it starts: "The plaintiff's name may suggest this case is about religion, and in a sense that is true. It is about Oklahoma high school football."

The Dartmouth ski team isn't the only squad on campus to win a national championship this year. The figuring skating club claimed its fourth national title in a row over the weekend at Thompson Arena. Hmm. Skiing and skating. Do I sense a theme? As I look out my window this morning at the gently falling snow, I think I do.

No word yet on whether there will be practice today. I doubt it's snowing in the valley so while a session isn't slated, to steal a phrase from World War I, maybe they will decide they should, "Smoke 'em if you got 'em."

By the way, I saw probably three dozen trees blown down on my drive to campus yesterday and a different drive back home. The only good that came of the storm is it washed away most of the snow in the valley (although not up here). With a few days of sun and some gentle wind the ballfields may be playable. I can think of two Hanover schoolkids and a lot of area high school athletic directors who will be relieved if that happens.

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