Thursday, July 19, 2012
Site Update Almost There
The old Big Green Alert site is being taken down in favor of a more streamlined website. We’re in the final stages of getting it up and running. When the signup begins even returning subscribers will have to fill out the form asking for a password and username in order to create new accounts – although they can choose the same password and username they had with the old site.
In addition to providing easier navigation around the site, one of the improvements I am thrilled with is the ability for you to retrieve forgotten passwords and usernames. It should make that process easier for you and for me.
Please bear with me as I move the site over. It could be live by the end of this week.
As many of you know, this is a shoestring operation ;-) and it’s only through the extremely generous help of a very, very patient friend that I’m able to make these improvements.
A link to the new site will be posted prominently here as soon as we are sure all of the bugs have been worked out.