This is a late November interview with Jay Fiedler done by vIQtory Sports. The former Dartmouth and Miami Dolphins quarterback made his first NFL start 20 years ago this fall. If you advance to the 4:42 mark you can hear him talk about the decision to attend Dartmouth. At the 50:28 mark he offers this advice to others hoping to follow in his footsteps: Believe in yourself and work harder than the competition.
Green Alert Take: Having covered Jay's entire career I can tell you he practiced what he preaches. His belief in himself was absolute, and I can't remember him finishing anywhere but first when the team did conditioning runs at the end of practice.
Isiah Swann and Zach Sammartino at the College Gridiron Showcase (courtesy of the Dartmouth football Twitter account).
The XFL, due to debut next month, will have some pretty radical rules. Among them:
• In place of PAT kicks, teams will be able to try for one point on a play from the 2, for two points on a play from the 5 and three points on a play from the 10.
• Two forward passes will be legal, although the first has to be behind the line of scrimmage.
• In overtime each team will have five one-play possessions at the plus-5. Teams will alternate possessions and the team that scores the most times wins, with sudden-death possessions if they are tied after five "rounds."
• Kickoffs must be in the air and land between the 20 and the goal line.
• Teams must declare if they are going to try an onside kick.
To learn more, visit the XFL rules page that explains the new rules, describes current NFL and college rules, and offers rationales for the new rules.