Meet and watch the 6-foot-3, 315-pound pro hopeful here:
I spoke by telephone with Dartmouth head football coach Buddy Teevens yesterday and will have a story on this site tomorrow about how he, his assistants and his players are dealing with everything in these unusual times.
The website Dawgs247 looks at the salaries of the University of Georgia assistant football coaches including Cortez Hankton, the wide receivers coach who broke into the college ranks at Dartmouth. Per Dawgs247 the former NFL wide receiver is bringing in $375,000 per year these days. (LINK)
Athlon Sports has a story under the headline FCS Football: Breakdown of FCS Selections in the NFL Draft During the 2010s listing the number of draft picks per conference and team. (LINK)The Colonial Athletic Association leads the way with 28 selections. The Ivy League was eighth of the 14 conferences with nine picks and the Patriot League was 11th with four selections. Surprisingly, perhaps, the Pioneer Football League was next with three and the Northeast Conference was last with one.
Individually, six of the eight Ivy League teams had draft picks (Dartmouth and Columbia were the outliers): Princeton 3, Harvard 2, Yale 2, Brown, Cornell, Penn.
Well-regarded CBSSports columnist Dennis Dodds has a piece under this subhed: The potential of not playing college football in 2020 exists, whether you want to admit it or not. From the story (LINK):(I)magine, five months from now, jamming 100,000 fans on a steamy Saturday afternoon into a stadium to watch 22 men in close proximity on any given snap running 150-plus plays.And this:
"I am not trying to be overly pessimistic, but I'm doubtful we're going to have a 2020 football season, NFL or college," said Warren K. Zola, a respected expert on sports law and executive director of Boston College's Carroll School of Management. "That's just me. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that we're all back over the summer."Green Alert Take: Granted, there won't be 100,000 fans at any Dartmouth, Ivy League or FCS games, but don't think for a second that the NCAA would cancel big-time football and allow the little guys to play. It will be all or nothing.
Joey McIntyre, who did an outstanding job as Dartmouth football's Director of Recruiting, Operations and External Relations from 2012 until leaving for a position as Elite Athlete Services Coordinator for Bauer Hockey, is interviewed on the Flying V Anaheim Ducks Podcast HERE.Tune in to learn about his athletic background, prepping at Bridgton Academy, two injury plagued years as a free safety at Bryant University and then playing hockey at Castleton State. To hear about his Dartmouth experience, jump ahead to the 11:45 mark.
EXTRA POINTWe can all use a laugh these days and this one comes courtesy of Texas Judge Andrew Edison '91, the absolute best investigative reporter I ever knew at The Dartmouth, a huge fan and friend of Dartmouth sports as well as BGA. I fully believe Andy would be at the New York Times, Washington Post or ESPN today if he hadn't wised up and gotten out of the journalism game, unlike his good buddy Jake Tapper.
As it turns out, a lawyer preparing a draft order confused Andrew Edison, United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Texas with Keith Ellison, U.S. District Court Judge. Check this out, courtesy of Twitter:

I know that's hard to read so here's a transcript of the note that Andy wrote at the bottom:
Plaintiff’s counsel prepared this draft order and obviously confused me with the U.S District Court Judge Keith Ellison. I appreciate the compliment, but want to make sure the parties understand that Judge Ellison and I are two completely different people. Judge Ellison clerked at the U.S. Supreme Court; I once visited the Supreme Court on a tour. Judge Ellison was a Rhodes Scholar; my mom thinks I should have been a Rhodes Scholar. Judge Ellison graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard; I don’t know what those big Latin words mean.Check Twitter for a posting about this and be sure to read the comments. (LINK)
Green Alert Take: Andrew Edison has an incredible collection of Dartmouth sports memorabilia and at one point was attempting to collect (and may still be) every Dartmouth-related bubblegum playing card. That means not just one Mike Remlinger baseball card, but one from every year, and by every company that printed them. Now multiply that out by how many Dartmouth athletes have played pro sports, from the most prominent like Reggie Williams, to those on the periphery like basketball's Larry Lawrence.
Green Alert Take II: I still remember camping out for hours one day on the Parkhurst steps as the Dartmouth beat reporter for the Valley News waiting for someone who was dodging me to come in or out of the building. I don't remember who it was I was trying to track down or why. I just remember being stunned that a reporter from The D was right there with me the entire time, and the fear I had that the punk reporter was going to scoop me. For the record, he wasn't at all a punk reporter and we quickly became lifelong friends. Well done, Andy. Well done.