Vikings.com gives Swann's teammate Zach Sammartino a brief mention in the CBS Sports story about eight draftable players snubbed by the NFL Combine.
The numbers from Jared Gerbino's Pro Day are in:Height: 6-foot-4 ¼
Weight: 244
Hand: 10¼
Arm: 32
Wingspan: 76
Bench press: 18
Vertical jump – 34” (8th NFL Combine)
Broad jump – 119 (6th NFL Combine)
10 yard – 1.68 (laser)
20 yard – 2.83 (laser)
40 yard – 4.67/4.69 (hand/laser) – 4th NFL Combine
20-Yard Shuttle – 4.06 (1st NFL Combine)
Three-cone – 6.94 (2nd NFL Combine)
Because I know a lot of you are not on Instagram I'd hoped to be able to toss up a fun video Dartmouth football has posted with the Flores brothers – sophomore offensive lineman John Paul and freshman OL Michael – but it must be private because the software I use to grab clips won't work on it. If you are on Instagram you can watch it HERE.Oops, should have mentioned older brother Jacob Flores '16, another Dartmouth offensive lineman who had a contract with the Green Bay Packers, also makes an appearance. That's him on the right.
Speaking of Instagram, ESPN's Chris Fowler pitches three college football scenarios for the coming season on his account:• Go ahead with the season as it is scheduled.
• Start in November and finish the season in the new year.
• Play the college football season in the spring.
Fowler says:
Chancellors and presidents will make decisions for their schools, not the athletic directors. The people who are going to make these decisions will be guided by the epidemiologists and biotech people.
Scenario 1 doesn’t feel super realistic. Scenario 2, the season starts late and maybe is shortened a bit. Reshuffling the playoff sounds problematic. People are worried about the second wave.
There’s a third scenario that’s gaining momentum — football in the spring — beginning at some point in February. It would be bizarre and it would wreak havoc on other sports that time of year, but to avoid the financial disaster of having no football season in the academic year, I think it might be a fallback position.Check out Fowler's full Instagram posting HERE.
The NFL is joining Dartmouth and the rest of college football in going virtual. (LINK)The virtual period starts this Monday and will continue through May 15. From the story linked above:
During the virtual period, teams can conduct classroom instruction, workouts, and non-football educational programs using Skype, or any other appropriate platform, on a "virtual" basis.
A reminder, if you want to listen in to former Dartmouth players Gordy Quist, Trevor Nealon and The Band Of Heathens, catch their Good Time Supper Club tonight at 7:30 CDT at this LINK.Here's something they did on July 3, 2018 that seems fitting right now:
EXTRA POINTWashing the dishes yesterday I couldn't help but smile when I got to a couple of "Make-a-Plates" done by That Certain Dartmouth '14 and That Certain Nittany Lion '16 when they were students at Hanover's Bernice Ray School. (Yup, this will embarrass one of them for sure, but we love 'em.) We have a dozen of these and most have something to do with sports ;-)