Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Hey, We Know Him


Standing directly behind the "0" at the 50-yard-line of the Sugar Bowl in his green jersey is former Dartmouth long-snapper Josh Greene '23, one of the players honored last night as a member of the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team. From a Dartmouth release posted after Greene was chosen for the award (LINK):

Greene founded the Off the Bench Foundation, an organization that has collected and donated nearly $10,000 worth of sporting goods to the Boys & Girls Club in West Palm Beach since 2012. Following Hurricane Irma, the organization teamed up with local businesses to collect new and used sports equipment.

Additionally, Greene serves underserved youths at the DREAM organization (Directing through Recreation, Education, Adventure and Mentoring), devoting his Fridays to mentees through a variety of fun activities and meals. The philanthropy chair for his fraternity, Gamma Delta Chi, was honored by the Dartmouth Athletics Department this past spring with the Class of 1950 Award, presented annually to the Big Green varsity student-athlete who has demonstrated the most extraordinary commitment to community service.

Here's a message Greene shared earlier this winter:


Green Alert Take: What deserves a mention is that yes, Yale was favored and won the Ivy League title, but it won a share of the title along with Dartmouth and Harvard. 


Great, great drama in the college football playoffs last night. With Sunday's FCS championship and Monday's FBS championship the geography of college football looks a little different this year than it has most years:


Sportico's Five Sports Law Predictions For 2024 includes this (LINK):

(T)he NLRB petitions involving USC and Dartmouth players as employees will advance further in 2024. The Dartmouth petition is moving fast. There was already a hearing before the NLRB’s regional office in Boston and the players and school now await a decision. The USC petition is in the middle of a hearing process before the agency’s regional director office in Los Angeles. 

There’s a good chance both petitions will succeed, at least at the regional director level. Attorneys for the players have forcefully rebutted long-standing NCAA arguments that college athletes are amateurs. There’s also increasing support in legal and political communities for the recognition of some college athletes as employees. 



On our drive home yesterday after a visit with friends we saw a narrow strip of pink on the horizon under battleship gray skies for maybe a minute, if that. Grabbing at straws, Mrs. BGA declared that, at long last, we had seen the sun. Nice try but I wasn't buying it. No shadows = no sunshine.

This morning, for the first time in well more than a week, we have real, honest-to-goodness, glorious sunshine and shadows. It was just 17 degrees when I had Griff the Wonder Dog out this morning, but it was absolutely wonderful. Let's hope it lasts.