Sunday, March 05, 2006

First Stadium Work Pictures

I was on campus Thursday and saw a man across the street from The Lodge staring upward with a pair of binoculars at the enormous smokestack that unfortunately mars the Dartmouth campus. I found it curious but didn't have a chance to ask him what he might be looking at. I figured he was either an engineer or a birdwatcher who was worried about a feathered friend. This picture in The D solves the mystery of what he was looking at. I'll let you know more about this prank when and if I hear more.

On a beautiful late winter morning I stopped by and took a few snaps at Memorial Field. What follows is the first proof that something is finally happening in the renovation/building project, starting with the locked gate that prevents access to the visiting stands. (Click directly on the pictures to "super-size" them and check out the detail.)

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