Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Check It Out

As promised, a relatively detailed look at the incoming Dartmouth recruiting class went up on BGA Premium last evening HERE. (The individual capsules will be updated as more information becomes available.)


Jennifer King, who spent a year as a quality control assistant at Dartmouth and is now on the staff of the Washington Football Team, appears in the Believe in Women Twitter series:


A story under the headline Forecasting the New York Giants Second-Year Linebackers suggests former Dartmouth defensive end Niko Lalos should . . .

. . . find a spot on the practice squad. Lalos’ ball awareness and knack for making big plays will make him the first in line to get called up if anyone on the Giants defense gets hurt. Those skills could also translate well to special teams.

Find the full story HERE.


The mention of Niko Lalos sent me looking for the latest on his former teammate Matt Kaskey, who saw his first NFL action in the Carolina Panthers' final game last fall. A story headlined No obvious answer for Panthers at left tackle, but team has options. A closer look lists Kaskey among the "Other Candidates," and calls him a "backup/practice" contender.

Find the story HERE.


With no word yet on how the Ivy League is going to handle Name, Image, Likeness but its sister conference has gotten a jump on the Ancient Eight as reported in a press release that includes this:

The Patriot League and INFLCR have entered into an innovative multi-year partnership to empower conference-member student-athletes to share content and to manage student-athlete Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) activities through the new INFLCR Verified platform.

INFLCR (think: Influencer) bills itself as "The nationwide leader in athlete brand-building." Find the INFLCR website HERE

More from the Patriot League release:

Student-athletes, coaches, staff and other brand ambassadors will gain access to photos, videos, and graphics produced by the member institutions, delivered through the INFLCR software and mobile app, to share on their personal and team social-media channels. This access enables each student-athlete the opportunity to share their story and grow their brand.

Green Alert Take: Ivy League, you are on the clock.


Vermont Public Radio has a podcast series titled Brave Little State. Maybe there should be one titled. Sensible Little State. As the outlet Seven Days reported yesterday (LINK):

Slightly more than 80 percent of all eligible Vermonters have now received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, according to Gov. Phil Scott, who celebrated the milestone by making good on his promise to lift all remaining COVID-19 restrictions.

And . . . 

Vermont is the first state in the nation to have vaccinated four out of every five eligible people. 

And there was this from the New York Times (LINK):

Vermont has been very successful at handling the coronavirus. A New York Times database shows that the state has reported fewer cases and fewer deaths, relative to its population, than any state but Hawaii. Vermont has vaccinated 84 percent of its adult population, aged 18 or older; Hawaii and Massachusetts are the only other states so far that have exceeded 80 percent by that measure.

Can't help but feel a little proud of our neighbors in the state Mrs. BGA and I lived in when we were first married and moved back to a couple of years ago.