Wednesday, February 14, 2024


The Dartmouth has a story with the drop-head, One writer investigates the social culture of athletes versus non-athletes and the stereotypes surrounding both groups that includes this from Tevita Moimoi, a senior captain and running back on the Big Green last fall (LINK):

I haven’t felt a lot of separation from professors or students, and it’s unfortunate that some people might not have the same experience.

Of interest, it identifies Moimoi as a "men’s football and rugby player," which sent me to the rugby roster where, sure enough, he's listed as a 6-foot, 225-pound flanker. (LINK)

Green Alert Take: A couple of thoughts. First, it's helpful that he's reported to be a member of the men's football team. And second, while we all wonder which Class of '24 football players will be using their COVID super senior seasons next fall, it's interesting that Moimoi is playing a spring sport.

Green Alert Take II: The main headline to the story talks about the "NARP Divide." For the uninitiated, a NARP is a "Non-Athletic Regular Person." I was not familiar with the acronym until That Certain Dartmouth '14 stopped running track and cross country at Dartmouth and proudly inherited that mantle (although she wasn't then and never has been "non-athletic.")


There are 15 former FCS players among the 321 invitees to the NFL Combine, including two who played at Yale, another that Dartmouth faced the past several years and two from a traditional rival that many longtime Big Green fans wish they'd had a chance to see play. They are:

Offensive Line
Kiran Amegadjie, Yale
Nick Gargiulo, Yale
(South Carolina grad transfer)
C.J. Hanson, Holy Cross 

Running Back
Dylan Laube, New Hampshire

Wide Receiver
Jalen Coker, Holy Cross

An interesting Combine tidbit from Mike Farrell Sports:

Of the 14 quarterbacks invited to the NFL Combine, 11 were transfers. 

The non-transfer quarterbacks:

Drake Maye, North Carolina
JJ McCarthy, Michigan
Michael Pratt, Tulane


In case you feel the need to feed your Football Jones with the Super Bowl behind us, for some reason the 2010 Dartmouth-Harvard game from Memorial Field was posted on YouTube just a couple of days ago. Although Big Green fans won't like the outcome, you can watch it below. Spoiler alert: Harvard wins, 30-14. 


Given how harrowing the mud was on my most recent drive to the trailhead, I thought to check road conditions yesterday by walking to the trail. The good news is that, by and large, the mud has dried up. The bad news? While the road crew got to part of the road, there's a stretch of a quarter mile or so where four-wheel drive and good clearance would be a good idea If the sun comes out today and the temperature gets above freezing, this will turn back into oatmeal.