Saturday, February 03, 2024

Saturday Stuff

Dartmouth athletics is putting a series of social media posts up during Black History Month beginning with one sharing background on the Dartmouth Black Student-Athlete Alliance. Junior linebacker Micah Green is the organization's co-president and this was part of the first post: 

The DBSAA 's About Us page hasn't been updated, but listed on the executive board from a year ago in addition to Green were were football's Gannon McCorkle and Joey Richmond. (LINK)


I don't know about you, but I didn't spend much time watching the East-West Shrine Bowl Thursday night so I didn't have a chance to see former Dartmouth corner Isaiah Johnson '22. That being the case, I thought to take a look and see if if I could find any game highlight with him, and I couldn't. But I did find this, with some of the plays he made during the regular season in the Syracuse defensive backfield:


That video, in turn, led me to see what I could find of Shane Cokes '23 out at Colorado. What I discovered instead was an interview this week with his parents. It runs well over an hour. 

Click HERE to watch the video.

Speaking of Cokes, he seems to be doing fine with NIL:


When I was in high school someone stole my beloved 10-speed bicycle. As angry as I was about losing the bike, knowing that someone came into our backyard while we were in the house and made off with it left me feeling, for lack of a better word, violated.

I recalled that feeling yesterday when Mrs. BGA and I came down off our local mountain after hiking and at first glance thought we'd left a window open. We hadn't.

In the four years we've lived here I've parked at that nearby trailhead well more than 1,000 times without incident. Yesterday was different:

Someone shattered the passenger side window, making off with a grand total of about $20 from the console. As bothersome as it is to have to replace the window, what was perhaps more annoying was that same violated feeling. The nearby trail has been one of my special places, and it will take time for that feeling to fade away.

In case you were wondering about life in rural Vermont, when Mrs. BGA dialed the police to report the incident we were connected to someone 90 minutes away. They took down the information and when Mrs. BGA asked if they were going to investigate – and I'm not making this up – they said they couldn't because they didn't know who committed the act. What we do know if the person left a cigarette butt right outside the broken window. (Hikers on the trail don't usually smoke.) 

Three points.

First, I won't be locking my car from now on when I'm leaving it at the trailhead. I may even leave a note on the seat explaining there's nothing of value in the car.

Second, we had no idea that when auto glass shatters like that it takes on such a green hue.

And finally, I guess those old GPS navigation units that sit on your dashboard aren't in much demand by thieves. Ours was ever-so-kindly left behind.