Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Winter Hulk

The feeling around the Dartmouth football program from his first practice as a freshman with the offensive line was that sophomore Delby Lemieux was the real deal – and watch out when he gets bigger and stronger.

OK then, watch out. ;-)


One-day football camps have become an absolutely huge part of recruiting and after an Ivy League championship in his first season as head coach Sammy McCorkle, along with his staff, is gearing up for another camp season. (LINK)


His name is familiar to a generation of Dartmouth football fans. Max Culpepper, who for 25 years before his retirement in 2009 was director of the Dartmouth College Marching Band, died earlier this month at age 87. (LINK)

Green Alert Take: While I've made no secret in this space than I'm more of a fan of traditional marching bands, I always admired Culpepper for the patience he had with the college's "scatter band." What I didn't know is that, as the note about his passing informs us, "He was an accomplished sailor in the Jet 14 class, winning the Nationals four times. He competed in the 1964 Olympic trials in the Flying Dutchman Class." Now I wish I'd written a story about him while I was on the Dartmouth beat for the local daily.


From the Washington Post (LINK):

Dartmouth College, alongside Rice, Northwestern and Vanderbilt universities, will pay a total of $166 million to settle a two-year-old lawsuit accusing them of colluding to limit financial aid for admitted students, according to a Friday court filing.

This marks the latest round of settlements in a class-action lawsuit against 17 elite schools, including most members of the Ivy League.


It has now been more than two months since I got the warning on my computer that our laser printer was getting low on toner. Granted, we don't print much more than recipes Mrs. BGA finds on the internet and, of late, documents for doing our taxes. Well, guess what? A week or so ago the computer told me that the printer is now out of toner – but it's still printing happily away.

I'm starting to think the messages about the toner are kind of like the fuel light on your car. They allow you a little bit of a grace period. Fortunately there's a new package of toner sitting on top of the printer just waiting for the thing to finally run out of gas toner. It should be so easy when run out of gas. ;-)