Sunday, June 09, 2024

Once More, With Feeling

I am required by law to repost Conan O'Brien's timeless address to the 2011 Dartmouth graduates every year on this, the day of commencement:

To anyone who knows anything about Dartmouth it's clear that Conan really did his homework.

"Local knowledge" shouldn't be a problem for this year's speaker, Roger Federer. The all-time tennis great's agent is former football player Tony Godsick '93, whose daughter Isabella '24 was a senior on the Big Green lacrosse team this spring. Read about Tony Godsick in Dartmouth Alumni Magazine HERE.


Lots to read in the commencement issue of The Dartmouth, including The legacy of the Joshua Balara Memorial Powderpuff Tournament, a piece about the co-ed football fundraiser honoring Balara '24, the football player who died of adrenal cancer in March of 2023. (LINK)


Last week, after five years of dodging a few embedded boulders while mowing our field, I finally dug out a can of day-glo spray paint and put a golf-ball sized dot on the rocks to make it easier to avoid them.

You know where this is going.

There I was on Friday, zipping along on the lawn tractor with maybe an hour left to finish field when –  now totally overconfident – I ran right over one of boulders. The sound of the tractor scraping the rock was almost as sickening as the sound of one of the blades clanking angrily against the mower deck once the tractor was free of the rock.

Long story short, I spent three hours or so yesterday finishing the field with our walk-behind mower and the tractor is headed back to the shop that got it off the TUP list (Tractor Unable to Perform) in late winter. Fingers crossed that it's not a bent drive shaft and they can get the thing back to be before the field takes on the look of a corn maze.

To once again quote golfer Roberto De Vicenzo, What a stupid I am!