Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cutting Varsity Teams? Not at Dartmouth

From a story about budget cuts at Dartmouth that does not appear on the web but is in today's local daily:
One known fact is that Dartmouth will not eliminate any sports team. (Interim athletic director Bob) Ceplikas said President Jim Yong Kim has been adamant on that point, but that athletic team travel, recruiting, uniform replacement, postage, communications and continuing education for staff have all been reduced."
Brown University, by contrast, is taking another approach. From today's Daily Herald:
The University should re-evaluate the “number and mix” of varsity sports programs to save money and improve athletes’ experiences, the athletics subcommittee of the Organizational Review Committee recommended to President Ruth Simmons in its report released last week.
And ...
“If we’re going to offer a varsity sport, we should do that correctly, with all the protections that students should have for competing in a sport,” Simmons said. “That’s the wake-up call for us, to face up to the fact that we simply don’t have the resources to mount the number of team sports that we offer.”
Discuss among yourselves.

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