Friday, June 09, 2017

The MVP Back Story

From the intro to a 20-minute audio interview on the Athletic Director U site:
As a research engineer at Dartmouth, John Currier never imagined he would be tasked to create a tackling dummy on wheels. But after a chance conversation with the Big Green football coach, that’s exactly what happened. Listen to how the Mobile Virtual Player (MVP) came about and how it is helping us explore the future of college football.
Listen to the interview HERE.
A little background on how this Internet/blogging thing works:

Unless readers email me, I have no idea who they are. I can access analytics telling me what part of the country or world you are from, what browser you use and when you visit BGA Daily, but not much more.

It is that last bit that has me posting the video below today instead of on Saturday or Sunday for Dartmouth graduation.

The analytics tell me that traffic on this site is far heavier during the week than on weekends (except in the fall). That being the case, you may not be able to watch this whole thing today (unless you have one of those 'The Boss is Coming' apps that makes a fake spreadsheet appear on your screen) but  at least you'll know that it's here and maybe remember to come back and check it out tomorrow.

Either way, don't miss this. It's as good as it gets.